Sunday, March 3, 2013


R E S P E C T. we all know the song. it's supposed to be as easy as ABC. but most men and women don't get it.  I just don't understand. If you KNOW a girl likes you, or a boy for that matter, then why don't you give them the respect they deserve, speak your mind and tell them how you feel back? it spares everyone's feelings. and who knows what will come of your honesty?
I know that I personally hate rejecting a boy. but it's the right thing to do when I'm not feeling the love. when I'm asked out [like that ever happens] I've found that 1. the majority of men gain more respect for me when I tell them how I feel, honestly. and 2: I feel better about myself when I know I have spared them the feelings I feel after I've found out I've been lead on. <<<------ that was a big, somewhat confusing sentence. feel free to read it again or not.

this is a post to me.

Dear Danielle,

you need to stop worryin, girl. life happens. you will find someone who loves you, you will get married, you will have children who think the world of you. Currently, you have family that loves you, a roof over your head and food to feed your belly. you are blessed with things that other people don't have. so stop feeling like it's the end of the world that he doesn't like you. but also, stop letting him drag you around. you are not his puppet, bitch, or slave. Stop letting boys walk all over you because you're scared to lose them. If they want to be in your book of life, they will write themselves in when you're not looking.
In the meantime, start telling people how you feel. You like those boys? tell them. you want to kiss someone? kiss them. It's your senior year of high school. you graduate in F I F T Y - S E V E N days. go do what you want, I mean, honestly. you're never going to see these people again. and if you do, well at least they will remember who you are. [ohhh you're danielle, yeah! I remember you, you did that one thing!] is a lot better than, [forgive me, but what's your name again? you did nothing memorable enough for me to remember who you are] it's like in We Bought a Zoo.
I think you need to have 20 seconds of courage everyday. who knows what will happen to your life, and how it will affect you. danielle, you are good enough. whether you are told that often or never at all. 

xx danielle

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