Thursday, February 21, 2013

We're Chillaxing.

Okay, so you know how there were always those people that when you ask who their best friend is they say their brother, or sister?? Well, I used to make fun of those people. I used to think, wow, they are so lame, they can't even get a best friend?  But that was also back in a time when I thought I wanted to be a professional volleyball player. Opinions change. and my opinion of being best friends with a sibling is completely the opposite now.  I TREASURE my relationship with my sister, Stefanie.

She is 8 years older than me, and I don't really remember her while I was growing up.
We never had a relationship because of the huge age difference.
I mean, there were times when she would do stuff like this. {picture on the right} and I look at those pictures but I don't even have memories associated with her face. [that's because of another really long story about me blocking out my childhood] 
Then one day, my mom moved out of state, and Stefanie moved to Provo with her boyfriend. 
I don't know specifically when, but we learned to rely on each other, with our mom off in another realm.. 
 From around October of 2011 Stefanie has been my best friend. I can tell her anything, and she will listen.  but only after she makes fun of me for five minutes.

I have the best relationship with her and her husband, Mike. I swear, they are the cutest couple since Carrie and Big. They are both too weird for anyone else. Stef does Beep Boop, and Mike does... Mike..
You should see some of the snap chat videos they send me. [I honestly don't know how they have friends.] But if there is one thing I know, it's that they are meant to be. I've never met any couple whose personalities compliment each other better than theirs. I one day hope that I can be as cute as them, and find a husband who loves me as much as they love each other.

Tell me you don't want to be that cute. ^^^
Me and Stefanie are so alike in many ways, and different in just enough. I really don't know where I would be without her. She, if anyone, has been the greatest example in my life. She is the best sister, and friend I could ask for.  I love you, Stef.

xx, danielle

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