Wednesday, June 5, 2013


hi guys. I figured two months is probably a little too long to keep you waiting on my next post.
everything in my life is going well, and pretty smooth. I start a second job at Orchard Park as a CNA. [holla] tomorrow! welcome to adulthood danielle. yikes

I have decided to attend UVU this fall and my declared major is pre-nursing. now, that doesn't mean I'm going to be a nurse because my heart is telling me that I would hate being a nurse, but my brain is telling me it makes most sense to be a nurse.
I know I'm meant to help people. I know I am passionate about medicine and the human body. but I can't figure out what to do with it. I'm so lost in my thinking. but I do know that a pre-nursing degree will clear my pre-requisites for almost any other medical degree. so that's what I'm stickin with for now.
I'm nervousexcitedanxiousandfrustrated all at the same time for college. but I know it's what I should be doing, so i'm more excited than anything.

okay. now that we've covered that. I can talk about the REAL thing I'm here to blog about.
 G  R A D U A T I O N.

this song is kind of reminiscent of my senior year. enjoy. 

here's a little look into my day: {with a few special shoutouts}

this is my dad's side of the fam. {Heather, Colby, Cadence, ME, Sierra, Shon, Jen, Grandma Judy, and Grandpa Jim.}

 These two people have always been some of my biggest supporters even if they don't like the decisions I make. I couldn't ask for better grandparents.

haha, my poor dad loathes  his smile. So I had to say something stupid and catch him in the middle of talking in order to get something that even resembles a smile. I love this man more than anyone in the world. He literally FORCED me to go to school just so that I could graduate. as embarrassing as that is, I am so stinking grateful he did.

My mom's side of the family. { Mike, Stef, ME, Emily, Gina, Grammy and Grandpa Neves}
 My beautiful momma. She's always been in California but a supporting from afar none. I couldn't be where I am or who I am without her.

 These two children are probably my favorite people in the world. I literally owe so much to my sister and her amazing husband who is more like a brother to me than a brother-in-law. I thank Heaven everyday for being so blessed to have them in my life.

Stefy- babe

 you all know and are sick of how much love and credit I give to my besties. so no more words are needed.

Emily Millard helped give me courage to do some real crazy things this year. Things that I would've never done otherwise. She also helped me learn a lot about who I was, and how to handle things in the future. I will definitely miss this youngin' like crazy. 

Trademark Danielle

okay, side bar.  I didn't get a picture with Jessica, but I got a picture of her gift. She gave me the cutest watch and one of the best things I've ever received. I absolutely adore this girl. she made AP chem so fun, and has unknowingly impacted my life for the better. I love her dearly.

real quick. we ate for dinner at my uncles restaurant, The Wild Grape. it's in SLC and if you're ever in the mood for locally made food, GO HERE. it's amazing. literally the best filet mignon I've ever had. 

 to top off my fantastic day, I also won a free airline ticket to anywhere that Jetblue flies - roundtrip! 
any suggestions as to where is should go?

I have absolutely [loved] high school. It's been the best years of my life, so far. The people at Orem High were unlike anyone I've ever experienced before. I've gone to my fair share of high schools, and I could not have found a better fit for me and who I am. Everyone there is always friendly, and welcoming. When I was a baby sophomore I had no problems making friend with anyone. Not only are the students so kind, but the teachers actually care about you. I've always said that if I go into teaching, I want to be the teacher that changes a student's life. I want to influence people to be better, and that's what my teachers, [the majority of them] did. It's such a bittersweet end to my high school career. I am ready to move on to bigger and better things, but it's so sad to leave all the great memories behind. 
it is great to be an orem high tiger.

ps. ps.

did you die? I did. these are perfect.  I love Quentin, he's going to be an amazing missionary. see you in 2 elder.

xx, danielle
the graduate.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April showers bring may flowers.

hi, I know it's been a good long while. I didn't have any motivation over Spring Break to blog. it just felt like such a drag. but I'm here to tell you that my break was great. I don't think I have many pictures, or anything, but it was a great week. I spent the majority of it at Nick Gurney's house. he is such a great guy, I honestly couldn't ask for a better friend. He is always sweet and makes me feel loved, no matter what. soooo, S/O to him. [doubt he even knows I have a blog.]
I went on a couple dates. one with a boy named Chandler. He is a mega nerd, and I love it. It makes me feel like I'm not alone. I mean, we all know I'm a way big nerd as well. and if you don't here's proof. [click me] it was nice to say something about the stars, or chemistry, and not have someone say, "oh there goes danielle again." Instead, Chan just joined in. The other date was with Nick. [no surprise there]
nicholas flamel everyone.
carrot cake from communal. {GO EAT THERE}

let me just tell you how much I missed my best friend. I tried talking to her every day. but she wouldn't talk to me cause she had the beach instead. It was the most annoying thing on the planet. I hated being home and not having her with me every day [not that she would've been able to hang out anyway] I just missed her so damn much.

I got a job as a hostess at Mimi's Cafe in Orem. I start this Saturday and I am pretty excited about it. 
but besides my exciting news and my fun spring break, I have so much to do it's ridiculous.

the list;
complete 21 ARC hours: end of april
do 4 packets: may 24th
make a presentation on the reproductive system: in two days
take the biggest test ever: this friday
work orientation: this friday
going camping with 10 people in my basement. ;): this friday
starting my job: saturday
clinicals for MATC: next Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am - 3:30pm. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW EARLY THAT IS.
Army Ball with Justin: Next Friday
and finally the weekend after that I have my stinkin mechanical baby.

The thing that bothers me most is that I did all of that ^ to myself. If I had just gone to school, the top two would be gone, and I wouldn't be in such a bind. I hate that I procrastinate worse than the majority of people. I hate that I had no drive. I hate that I worry about others when I should be focused on myself, and my school work. but I know I can do this I am not super worried, it's just a matter of actually getting in done April will easily be the hardest of the school year. I can't wait for May. its all about me graduating and senior time. haha, annnn not to mention, PROM. no. I am not going. no I've not gotten asked yet. It makes me sad, and I know I will be sad if I don't go with a cute senior boy. but at the same time I know that life goes on and I'm pretty sure that I will have forgotten about prom by the time graduation rolls around.

April showers bring May flowers, folks. and when it rains, it pours. but hey, it'll be worth it. 

also, this is B. 

k bye
xx danielle

Sunday, March 24, 2013


a couple weeks ago, my wonderful sister and her husband took me out to Black Rock for senior pictures. now I know they aren't typical. I guess it was more of just "takethedamnpictureandwewillusewhateverweget."

dont mind the veins. #getitfrommydad

I couldn't be more excited to graduate. I truly am ready to take a leap off the cliff of dependancy, and fly into adulthood. no matter how hard it may be. I am ready to face it.

xx danielle

Monday, March 18, 2013

this is for you.

Oh goodness, today was an amazing day. I got to spend two hours with a dear friend who made me think about a lot.

There really are so many things I want to say in this post, but I can't string together my tattered thoughts well enough to make them flow, so I guess I will just focus on one thing.

Love is;
making a baby smile/laugh,
watching a baby sneeze,
looking in the mirror and not thinking something harsh,
waking up in the middle of the night with your pet at the foot of your bed,
tickle fights,
being really attached to fictional characters,
love is chemicals [literally],
it's driving with your windows down in st. george blasting country music,
feeling like you want to give everything to one person even if you get nothing back,
aching to offer them everything they deserve.
going out of your way to do something kind, 
feeling sad,
feeling lonely,
its thinking about your future,
its caring about yourself,
caring about others.

love is so many things, so many great things. you don't need to be IN love to know what love is. it's just those moments where you smile to yourself, and say, "this, is happiness."

I love you, D.

xx, danielle

Tuesday, March 12, 2013



"It doesn’t make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we don’t really see ourselves. We don’t watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up and silent with chests rising and falling with our own rhythm. We don’t see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. You don’t see yourself looking at someone with love and care inside your heart. There’s no mirror in your way when you’re laughing and smiling and happiness is leaking out of you. You would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly yourself."


Saturday, March 9, 2013

The solution to being sad.

Okay, so I've found that when I am sad, I do one of two things.
1. I shut myself down, and hide from everyone, and everything. I listen to depressing music and I sleep. A lot. {selfish}
2. On the flip side, I go completely out of my way to make other people happy. I will change my entire day to do something special for someone. {selfless}]

now, obviously number two is better. that's why I took advantage of my options this week.
Ps. Here's a happy song

Around 3:30 I called my friend Emily Millard, and I told her I wanted to bake cookies for a certain someone. I went to her house and we made cookies for him. But I felt like the treat wasn't enough. so I wrote him a letter. I wrote a letter straight from my heart. no lies, no fake compliments. just kindness. and then I hand delivered it to him.

Let me tell you, it was probably the most nerve wracking thing I have EVER done. I know this guy and I are friends but I was terrified he would think I'm a freak because in today's world, outward expression of kindness and love are absurd, and extremely hard to come across. So when he answered the door with a shocked look on his face, I felt like a complete idiot, ybut then he gave me a hug and thanked me. and it turned out even better when he sent me a very nice text later.

Knowing that I have the power to make someone feel good about themselves and feel truly proud to be who they are is such a gift. and I don't know why we, as humans, don't use it more often. When you know some one believes in you, and thinks so highly of you it's a feeling of bliss, of pure happiness. That feeling, led me to add a new goal on the list I made earlier this week.

  • Do something selfless for someone once every seven days. Make them happy.

By making others happy, it makes me feel proud of myself. of who I am. I think that if I can be more honest about my feelings, be a little less selfish and lot more selfless, then happiness will make it's way into my life.

I encourage all of my readers to do the same as well. 

xx danielle

Sunday, March 3, 2013


R E S P E C T. we all know the song. it's supposed to be as easy as ABC. but most men and women don't get it.  I just don't understand. If you KNOW a girl likes you, or a boy for that matter, then why don't you give them the respect they deserve, speak your mind and tell them how you feel back? it spares everyone's feelings. and who knows what will come of your honesty?
I know that I personally hate rejecting a boy. but it's the right thing to do when I'm not feeling the love. when I'm asked out [like that ever happens] I've found that 1. the majority of men gain more respect for me when I tell them how I feel, honestly. and 2: I feel better about myself when I know I have spared them the feelings I feel after I've found out I've been lead on. <<<------ that was a big, somewhat confusing sentence. feel free to read it again or not.

this is a post to me.

Dear Danielle,

you need to stop worryin, girl. life happens. you will find someone who loves you, you will get married, you will have children who think the world of you. Currently, you have family that loves you, a roof over your head and food to feed your belly. you are blessed with things that other people don't have. so stop feeling like it's the end of the world that he doesn't like you. but also, stop letting him drag you around. you are not his puppet, bitch, or slave. Stop letting boys walk all over you because you're scared to lose them. If they want to be in your book of life, they will write themselves in when you're not looking.
In the meantime, start telling people how you feel. You like those boys? tell them. you want to kiss someone? kiss them. It's your senior year of high school. you graduate in F I F T Y - S E V E N days. go do what you want, I mean, honestly. you're never going to see these people again. and if you do, well at least they will remember who you are. [ohhh you're danielle, yeah! I remember you, you did that one thing!] is a lot better than, [forgive me, but what's your name again? you did nothing memorable enough for me to remember who you are] it's like in We Bought a Zoo.
I think you need to have 20 seconds of courage everyday. who knows what will happen to your life, and how it will affect you. danielle, you are good enough. whether you are told that often or never at all. 

xx danielle

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We're Chillaxing.

Okay, so you know how there were always those people that when you ask who their best friend is they say their brother, or sister?? Well, I used to make fun of those people. I used to think, wow, they are so lame, they can't even get a best friend?  But that was also back in a time when I thought I wanted to be a professional volleyball player. Opinions change. and my opinion of being best friends with a sibling is completely the opposite now.  I TREASURE my relationship with my sister, Stefanie.

She is 8 years older than me, and I don't really remember her while I was growing up.
We never had a relationship because of the huge age difference.
I mean, there were times when she would do stuff like this. {picture on the right} and I look at those pictures but I don't even have memories associated with her face. [that's because of another really long story about me blocking out my childhood] 
Then one day, my mom moved out of state, and Stefanie moved to Provo with her boyfriend. 
I don't know specifically when, but we learned to rely on each other, with our mom off in another realm.. 
 From around October of 2011 Stefanie has been my best friend. I can tell her anything, and she will listen.  but only after she makes fun of me for five minutes.

I have the best relationship with her and her husband, Mike. I swear, they are the cutest couple since Carrie and Big. They are both too weird for anyone else. Stef does Beep Boop, and Mike does... Mike..
You should see some of the snap chat videos they send me. [I honestly don't know how they have friends.] But if there is one thing I know, it's that they are meant to be. I've never met any couple whose personalities compliment each other better than theirs. I one day hope that I can be as cute as them, and find a husband who loves me as much as they love each other.

Tell me you don't want to be that cute. ^^^
Me and Stefanie are so alike in many ways, and different in just enough. I really don't know where I would be without her. She, if anyone, has been the greatest example in my life. She is the best sister, and friend I could ask for.  I love you, Stef.

xx, danielle

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In the spirit of Valentines Day, I thought I should post something about what I love.

now give me these chocolate lungs

I love the body. the science of how we live and breathe and think and speak and blink and smell, and focus, and taste and how we try to keep ourselves at an equilibrium. We get cold chills to heat our body, and get back to the normal temperature. It's literally Le Chateliers principle, in ourselves. Just in a model that you can see without having to boil, and mix questionable chemicals in a laboratory. [sidebar: whenever I say/type laboratory I think of Dexter, from Dexter's Lab, saying, "DeeeeeeDeeeee, get out of my LabORatory!!!" anyone else? no? ok] I think it's amazing, that our lungs know what they were meant to do, that we can convert O2 into CO2 inside a microscopic amount of space in the lower branches of our bronchi. I love that when we breathe, we are pushing our diaphragm down, creating empty space, which then by the laws of gravity creates a vacuum, which therefor sucks the air into our lungs.

and I especially love the heart. The heart has always been my thing. Maybe because of my fascination with love... who knows.. I think it is the most unique organ of all. the heart is what keeps you living. It pumps atrium to ventricle, over and over and over again. it never does anything else. It beats for no one but you.

 Then theres the brain. Oh my goodness, the brain. how is even possible that we have at least 100 BILLION Neurons in our heads? and with every two of those is a Synapse. those create the signals fired, telling our little messenger cells to tell our big toe that it hurts because we just jammed it on the corner of the kitchen counter. In literally a milisecond, a message goes from our head to our toe. [If that doesn't shock you, this might..] The synaptic gap, the gap between one neuron and the next, is about 35 Hydrogen atoms. does anyone have a fraction of a clue of how small that is? It's amazing. we are amazing.  We are walking phenomenons. We are the paragon of miracles.


You can call me weird or call me nerdy or call me that strange girl who is obsessed with hearts and chemistry and anatomy, but it what I love. it's my passion. I crave more knowledge about it. I sit at home and read about the heart, and new discoveries in medical and chemical research. it all fascinates me to no extent. and I am proud that I love what I love.

Now, Que the alone-on-Valentines-Day-bit-of-advice,  if your physical heart doesn't rely on someone else to keep you alive [except during times in which Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation {CPR} is needed, obvi] than neither does your fictional, intangible heart. So why can't everyone stop complaining about being alone on Valentines Day, and celebrate the things and the ones we love, as a whole? it's not required to have a babe, in order to enjoy the day. Go tell someone you love them. I promise, it will make you happier than you would expect.  

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

xx danielle

Monday, February 11, 2013

Music Monday.

I'm thinking about doing a weekly music thing. lets get real here for a minute. I LOVE music. more than I love to hate boys. or love to love boys. [you get it]. so without further adieu...

 For the Country lover.

For the heavy hearts.

For those who need a happy boost.

For the rest of you.

xx danielle

Heck ya, Brother.

Oh kids. Sweethearts was last night, and if you've been following my blog, you know that Jeremy Street asked me. I honestly don't know where to start. ha, that' a lie.

So, I started the day in a huge hurry, because Jeremy called me at 11:30am saying that he was on his way. and I had just gotten out of the shower.... [let that statement sink in.] Any girl can sympathize with me here. I had to blow dry and do my hair and do my make up and get dressed in twenty minutes. I don't even think I had that much time. My grandpa comes downstairs and tells me there's a boy waiting for me and I told him to give me five minutes. I hurried and brushed my teeth and went upstairs to find Jeremy sitting in my grandmas sitting room. I felt terrible for making him wait! but he didn't seem to mind. Being late is one of my biggest pet peeves, and there I was calling the kettle black. We left my house and picked up the another couple and followed everyone else to Colton Joyners cabin up Spanish Fork Canyon. The last road we had to drive up was snowy AND muddy and there was a cliff. I was freaking out. I thought I might die cause we were sliding everywhere.

{Jeremy, Me, Mosiah, Brittany, Drake, Naomi, Colton and Sam}

We got there and set everything up to shoot. It was easily the funnest day date I've ever had. I love shooting, and I haven't gone in a year or more, so it was perfect. and watching the girls die over the kick of the gun was hilarious. Especially Brittany Grimm, she screamed every time, but she was still a trooper. Sam Wuergler had a freaking perfect aim! I was so surprised. it was like she did it once a month. Naomi is just the cutest, and I would have some more pictures if she had ever sent them to me! Don't worry, I will post them later.

Everyone went home and I went straight to Alexis' house to get ready. Let me just tell you, that girl is a saint. She helped me curl my hair and let me borrow her shoes that were brand new. talk about a real best friend. Last second I decided to put my hair up instead, but it worked way better. I only got two pictures with her because I was in such a hurry to get home so I wasn't late, again, when Jeremy got there. That would've been so embarrassing.

After he picked me up, we headed up the hill to get Mosiah and [wait for it] a DEER HIT OUR CAR. did you catch that? A deer, literally ran into the side of his car, as we were driving. It was pretty ironic seen as the conversation we had been having was about driving safely. It was just so crazy. all of the sudden we see a deers head above his side-view mirror and then a huge thump-bump. haha, Jeremy said I screamed, but I don't believe him. Needless to say, it put a damper on our night, but we quickly got over it at dinner.

{I blame this pose on the James Bond Themed}

Speaking of dinner, it was delicious. We ate at Outback Steakhouse. which is perfect for me because i am a steak-kinda-girl. Dinner was hilarious because of Drake, he was easily the funniest one the entire date. I love that kid. and Jeremy was constantly saying, "Heck, yeah, brother" [hence the title]. I started keeping count but I lost track. 

and it wouldn't be dinner without the bathroom pic.

Dinner took a little while, and we got done around 10. so we tried to hurry to the dance, and then, you'll never guess our luck, Colton's truck slid on the ice and hit a minivan! So freaky. I mean how could two accidents happen in one night, to one group? It was nuts. There were 3 or 4 cop cars, and the firetruck and the ambulance all there because of protocol, but either way it made a big scene. I don't think the truck was really harmed, besides a flat tire and a scratch or two, but the minivan got the brunt of it. By the time all of it was cleared up, it was almost 11, so the dance was over. Instead Sam had her parents come and get her, Naomi, and Anna. Then Jeremy, Mosiah, Brittany and I went back to Jers house, and watched a scary movie. and unfortunately I couldn't finish the movie because I had to be home for curfew. Luckily, there was no trouble on the way home.

Honestly, Sweethearts was such a fun day/night. I liked how eventful and chaotic it was. It made for the most memorable dance I've been to. I am so happy I went with Jeremy, he was fantastic. I wouldn't have traded that dance for anything.

{isn't this picture so stinkin cute?? I died. He made the picture look good. not me.}

xx danielle