If I had three wishes:
2. My second wish is something that I've always wanted to do. I guess it's the nurturing, motherly side of myself talking here, but I would wish for the ability to literally take away everyone's pain. Physical, emotional, spiritual, any type. I guess that's kind of why I've wanted to be a doctor my entire life. Emotional and spiritual suffering are feelings that cant be fixed by others. They are internal wars. People can temporarily make you feel better, but really the pain just comes back. and you may think that I want to take away pain because of all the people hurting and mourning the loss of Sydney Bruning and Parker Allred. Yes, I would like to look at all of those people and tell them it's going to be ok, and have them believe me, but it goes much further than that. I want to take away all the haunting thoughts that every teenager/adult/child has about themselves. I want to take away all of anger we hold toward others, for petty things. I don't want my friends to think they are worthless. It breaks my heart to be on the phone with someone and to have them tell me that they think so little of themselves. Especially when I think so highly of them. I think that we are walking miracles. We all have our own story, no one has had an easy, breezy, beautiful [covergirl] life for the entirety of their existence. Everyone hits a low at one point or another. I just want to make that low a little less dreadful.
3. My third wish is undecided. I would want to save it for a rainy day when I absolutely need something crazy. and I would like knowing that I could do whatever I wanted and whatever point in time.
xx danielle
Ok you are amazing. I wish I had a life like yours! You seem so caring, there need to be more people like you in this world!