Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sodas and Sweeties

well, don't hate me cause I am posting twice today, but this one definitely deserves the second-post-in-one-day honor.

so , a really cute boy, named Jeremy Street, asked me to Sweethearts! to be honest, when I found out he asked me, I was so shocked. My only thought was, "why would he ask me, of all girls?" [yes, i am a self-deprecating girl. get used to it, cause 99% of us women are.] Regardless, I was/am excited and nervous. we all know it's possible to feel both, so don't question it.

he asked me by bringing some cupcakes [they were delicious] to my house. they each had a little flag in them with the letters of him name mixed up between them. then each cupcake had a letter that said sweethearts.
anyway, it was cute + yummy. the perfect mix. and, I do have pictures of it. but I will have to show you lates.

tonight, me and my best girl Alexis Hayes answered our dates. She was asked by Maxwell Rasmussen. just FYI. she did the whole fish thing, it was super cute. then I answered Germy [inside joke not to be taken offensively] like this. you're welcome for the quality pictures.

for those of you with weak Corneas, this reads, 'Jeremy, I would be "Soda-Lighted" to go to Sweethearts with you.' I put old fashioned sodas on his door step with tea lights. soo, it was clearly punny. Ok, you have to realize how hard it was to not bust up laughing. Alexis and I were literally holding our breath, tryin not to make a noise, because we could here his mom RIGHT by the door. I heard her talking about the weather pretty clearly. Also, the bottom of his driveway is pure ice. [Thanks Jeremy for not putting salt on it. #disappointed] So running back to the car was not possible. instead we hid behind what I am guessing was his car, for a good 5-7 minutes. But I am almost positive Jeremy never came out. I know his mom did, cause I think she took pictures. but when we went back to the car, the soda and candles were still chillin there, like no one's business. Come to think of it, I am not even positive it was his house... that would be awkward.
                                                           I AM SO EXCITED.
anyway, that was my night.
now, do yourself a favor and call your Optometrist. We like healthy Corneas around here.

xx danielle

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